The film starts with an alarm clock ringing, then a boy pushes the alarm on the floor and tries to get some more sleep.

shortly after his phone beeps and he checks it immediately, he has got a text from his friend saying that someone they know was met with an accident, and now is hospitalized.

they then decide to go to the hospital to visit her, they boy goes out to brush his teeth but is so focused on the phone, that he does not even realize that he took the shaving gel instead of toothpaste.

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The message of the video is probably that we have to be more aware of our surroundings and pay more attention to the people that are closest to us, and that the only way to disconnect with the social medias is to ‘’connect or reconnect’’ with someone or something that we also enjoy!

The video reminds me a bit of the black mirror episode ‘’Nosedive’’ because here the main product is also some sort of social media and they both have a very big need of chatting and updating all the time, trying to get people to acknowledge them.