- Vejledning og skabelon til at løse opgaven
- Hjælpemidler

Assignment 1
- Tag stilling til, om de understregede ord er adjektiver (tillægsord) eller adverbier (biord). Skriv, hvilket ord adjektivet eller adverbiet lægger sig til i sætningen, samt hvilken ordklasse dette ord tilhører. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

Assignment 2
- Skriv, hvad det understregede relative pronomen (henførende stedord) henviser til, og forklar, hvorfor netop dette pronomen er anvendt i sætningen. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

- Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi

Assignment 3
- Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

- I din besvarelse skal du understrege og fremhæve (med farve eller fed skrift) de anvendte ord og vendinger.

Assignment 4A
- Climate Change

Assignment 4B
- The Weekly Visit

Assignment 1
- Tag stilling til, om de understregede ord er adjektiver (tillægsord) eller adverbier (biord). Skriv, hvilket ord adjektivet eller adverbiet lægger sig til i sætningen, samt hvilken ordklasse dette ord tilhører. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

Assignment 2
- Skriv, hvad det understregede relative pronomen (henførende stedord) henviser til, og forklar, hvorfor netop dette pronomen er anvendt i sætningen. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

- Hver af nedenstående sætninger indeholder en grammatisk fejl, som er understreget. Ret fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

Assignment 3
- Skriv e-mailen på engelsk, og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.

- I din besvarelse skal du understrege og fremhæve (med farve eller fed skrift) de anvendte ord og vendinger.

Assignment 4A
Assignment 4B

- How to write a manuscript for a speech
- Struktur
- Eksempel på intro
- Eksempel på afsnit, der underbygges med referencer
- Eksempel på en afslutning
- Manuscript for a speech
SAGPROSA - Et analytisk essay
- Indledning
- Hoveddel
- Analyse
- Vurdering
- Afrunding/konklusion
- Kilder

Optimer dit sprog - Læs vores guide og scor topkarakter

A: Opgaven består af udformning af manuskript til tale.
B: Opgaven består af analyse af fiktion.

Vejledning og skabelon til at løse opgaven
Den samlede eksaminationstid er 5 timer. Det anbefales, at du højst anvender en time på de første, og at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen /Template.


Every week for the past five years, Jake has approached the front door after a slow walk from the bus stop. He gets off several stops away purposefully.

The long walk to her house gives him time to decompress after a long day at work and ward off the resentment of duty that brings him here to her front door in the first place.

The weekly visit, after his father died, to his aged and disabled mother, has begun to wear him down and now he shows up at her door as if in front of a trap he consciously, and dutifully steps into.

He stays overnight, too, only to spare himself the exhaustion of a late night trip on the bus and then the subway and then another bus home.

Standing at the door, his eyes move to the green recycling bin and the blue garbage bin both placed directly in front of the driveway’s locked iron gate.

The bins were left there by the next door neighbor, who out of kindness takes them to the curb every week and then leaves them by the gate for Jake to put them away.

He rings the doorbell and while he waits for her to open the door, he peaks inside the black metal mail box and finds it empty.

The door opens to reveal his mother: short and overweight from too many sweets and cakes, she is dressed in black from head to toe as she will always be dressed until the day she dies, a symbol of mourning for her dead husband.

Her hair has grown too long below the shoulder, the curl from the last perm of eight months ago in need of the hairdresser’s touch.

She looks haggard, worn out, and old as she gazes at her son. She saves her smile until she can figure out if he’s come in a good mood or a bad one.

As chaves! are the first words of greeting that come out of him, the keys! He waits outside the door until she turns around and gets the keys and brings them to him.

He opens the locked gate and moves the bins to the inside part of the driveway and locks the gate again.

Only then does he go inside the house. Before he even takes off his coat, he pours all his energy into doing any remaining chores, mumbling to himself when she hands him a dead pot of poinsettias, left over from Christmas.

She lets out a small cry as he walks out to the back of the garden where he throws the old pot to decompose after the frozen winter months turn to spring.

Back inside the house, he locks the screen door then locks the three locks on the inside door. He doesn’t understand why she needs to have so many locks on the doors;

what if one day there’s an emergency and someone needs to break into the house to save her—if she’s fallen down and can’t get up again.

With the house locked up for the night, she sets the house alarm and he is her prisoner until she disarms it in the morning.

He’s been there for a good ten minutes already and the visit hasn’t gone well. He knows this as he closes the door to the bedroom where he stays overnight.